Nordlys under øvelse Joint Viking 2017 i FInnmark. // Northern lights during winter exercise Joint Viking 2017.

Taking care of the environment

We need your help to avoid accidents and damages during exercises. Our goal is to reduce the environmental impact as much as possible.

In the planning phase, the Norwegian Armed Forces usually conducts several reconnaissance tours in the exercise area together with participating allies and partner nations. We also cooperate closely with civilian authorities to locate areas we should or must avoid – like drinking water sources, fish farming facilities, cultural monuments, etc. This information is incorporated into exercise maps that all participating units must use.

Since the ground normally is frozen in March, heavy vehicles can drive without leaving deep traces in the ground. However, at the beginning of February the ground is not as frozen as expected, which might cause heavy vehicles to leave traces in the ground. To reduce this problem, we have pointed out areas where the forces can maneuver more freely, and areas where transportation and battle must be avoided or kept at a minimum.

Military activity is prohibited in so-called out-of-bounds areas, like nature reserves, national parks and cultural monuments. Through several local agreements, we are allowed to use low-risk areas – i.e., where landowners will plough the ground after the exercise.

During the exercise, personnel from the exercise command and the exercise umpires will help to avoid any unnecessary damage to the environment. However, each nation bears the ultimate responsibility for the actions of its own forces.

Our goal is to reduce the consequences for neighbors and the environment as much as possible. Environmental protection is vital for the Norwegian Armed Forces, and all the participants will be instructed to respect the restricted areas and to avoid damages and pollution.

Useful contact information:

Environmental protection officer: +47 400 38 526

Fire department: 110