Organisation chart

The Norwegian Armed Forces consist of thirteen branches and departments, in addition to the Defence Staff and the Military Representative to NATO.

Chief of Defence

Eirik Kristoffersen

Eirik Kristoffersen


Ingrid Gjerde

Ingrid M. Gjerde

Lieutenant General
Chief of the Norwegian Defence Staff

Rune Andersen

Rune Andersen

Vice Admiral
Chief of the Norwegian Joint Headquarters

Nils Andreas Stensønes

Nils Andreas Stensønes

Vice Admiral
Chief of the Norwegian Intelligence Service

Louise Dedichen

Louise K. Dedichen

Vice Admiral
Chief of the Norwegian Military Representative to NATO

Branches and joint departments

General major Lars Lervik, sjef Hæren

Lars S. Lervik

Major General
Chief of the Norwegian Army


Oliver Berdal

Rear Admiral
Chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy

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Rolf Folland

Major General
Chief of the Royal Norwegian Air Force


Frode Ommundsen

Major General
Chief of the Norwegian Home Guard

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Joar Eidheim

Major General
Chief of the Norwegian Special Operations Command


Anders Jernberg

Chief of the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation

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Halvor Johansen

Chief of the Norwegian Armed Forces Cyber Defence

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Petter Iversen

Chief of the Norwegian Armed Forces Joint Medical Services

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Dag Rist Aamoth

Major General
Chief of the Norwegian Defence University College


Svenn Egil Grøtte

Chief of the Norwegian Armed Forces HR and Conscription Centre

Evy Skar

Evy Linchausen Skar

Chief of the Norwegian Armed Forces Joint Support Services (acting)

Command Sergeant Majors

Each branch and department also has its own Command Sergeant Major. This person is the senior enlisted advisor to the department's commanding officer. Below are the current Command Sergeant Majors in the Norwegian Armed Forces.

Rune Wenneberg

Rune Wenneberg

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Chief of Defence

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Guttorm Bentdal

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Defence Staff

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Kirsti Johansen Green

Master Chief Petty Officer
Command Master Chief Petty Officer of the Norwegian Joint Headquarters

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Herman Eldorhagen

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Intelligence Service


Espen Tandstad

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Army

Arild Edinsen, sjefsmester for Sjøforsvaret.

Arild Edinsen

Master Chief Petty Officer
Command Master Chief Petty Officer of the Royal Norwegian Navy


Didrik Sand

Chief Master Sergeant
Command Sergeant Major of the Royal Norwegian Air Force

Sersjantmajor Gjert Grave er ny sjefssersjant i Heimevernet.

Gjert Grave

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Home Guard

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Fredrik Borchgrevink

Master Chief Petty Officer
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Special Operations Command

Cyberforsvarets sjefssersjant, sersjantmajor Frode Tørres.

Frode Tørres

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Armed Forces Cyber Defence

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Jørg Lian

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation

Cato Pettersen

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Armed Forces Joint Medical Services

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Jan Helge Dale

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Defence University College

Eli Bendheim

Eli Bendheim

Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Armed Forces HR and Conscription Centre

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Rune Wiik

Master Sergeant
Command Sergeant Major of the Norwegian Armed Forces Joint Support Services

Per-Thomas Bøe

Per-Thomas Bøe

Command Master Chief
Command Master Chief for the department for military profession and culture