The Norwegian Joint Headquarters
The Norwegian Joint Headquarters operates 24–7 and has the overall command and control of all military activity in Norway. It also commands the Norwegian military personnel abroad.
The NJHQ is located in a mountain complex east of Bodø in northern Norway. From its joint operation centre, experienced officers continuously monitor the activity in Norway's vast land and sea territories.
This is possible thanks to our many sensors such as radars, the Coast Guard and our maritime surveillance aircraft. The headquarters gathers all the information and makes a complete picture of the current situation. This picture is shared with other departments in the Norwegian Armed Forces, and with NATO.
The chief of the NJHQ is the Chief of Defence's most important advisor in questions concerning military operations and activity.
The Norwegian Joint Headquarters is located at Reitan, 22 km (14 mi) east of the city of Bodø.
NJHQ's main tasks:
- Keep an eye with Norway's vast sea and air territories, and have a current understanding of the overall situation.
- Exercise sovereignty in Norway's land, sea and air territories – and exercise national jurisdiction in these areas.
- Be present, and be able to handle crisis of any kind.
- Support civil society.
- Plan and lead military exercises.
- Provide control and support to Norwegian forces in international operations.