Geir Isaksen
Commander Senior GradeHead of Section
Rino Bandlitz Johansen
Commander Senior Grade with professorial competenceHovedlærerPhone: +4799279274Email: rbjohansen@mil.no
Kristin Lerfald Grostad
PhD FellowPhone: +4790876786
Henrik Stålhane Hiim
Head of Centre for International SecurityProfessorPhone: 93262136Email: hhiim@mil.no
Rolf Hugh Hobson
Head of Centre for Civil-Military RelationsProfessorPhone: +47 23095929Email: rhobson@mil.no
Ingerid Maria Opdahl
Head of the Centre for Security PolicyAssociate professorEmail: iopdahl@mil.no
Palle Ydstebø
Lieutenant Colonel (r), faculty advisorHovedlærerPhone: +4799436753Email: pydstebo@mil.no
Stein Hatlem Forsdahl
Commander Senior GradeHead of Section
Tommy Krabberød
Commander Senior Grade with phdHead of SectionPhone: 55518814Email: tkrabberod@mil.no
Geir Isaksen
Commander Senior GradeHead of Section