
Oliver Berdal New Chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy

Today, the Council of State appointed Flag Commander Oliver Berdal as Rear Admiral and new chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy.

Berdal comes from the position of Chief of the Norwegian Coast Guard and has extensive operational service experience from the Navy. Next Friday, on 20 October, he takes over as Chief of Norway's maritime forces.

"I congratulate Oliver Berdal on his promotion to rear admiral and the important position as Chief of the Navy. He has delivered excellent results throughout his career, most recently as Chief of the Coast Guard. I look forward to working closely with Oliver in the development of the entire Norwegian Armed Forces, and the Navy in particular," says Chief of Defence Eirik Kristoffersen.

Leading in Challenging Times

Berdal himself is looking forward to starting the new job.

"I greatly appreciate the trust and I look forward to taking on an exciting and challenging role. Most of all, I am excited to work with all the talented colleagues at sea and on land to together make the Navy even better during these challenging and serious times," says the incoming chief.

Berdal takes over as head of the Navy after Rune Andersen. Earlier this autumn, Andersen was appointed vice admiral and will take over as Chief of the Norwegian Joint Headquarters in November.

Experienced Naval Officer

Berdal has extensive operational experience from the Navy, including as ship commander on a submarine, and as head of the submarine arm in the Navy.

He also has experience from the Ministry of Defence where he was responsible for the work with new submarines. In 2020, he started as Chief of the Coast Guard based in North Norway.

He has international experience as ship commander on a submarine during operation Active Endeavour in the Mediterranean in 2006. Berdal also received higher education from the United States Naval Command and Staff College in 2011 and the Chief's Course at the Norwegian Defence University College in 2016. In addition, he holds a civilian master's degree in project management.