Internationalisation - student and staff exchange
The Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC) is part of the Erasmus+ programme. Erasmus+ is an important tool for the NDUC to enhance our international cooperation and exchange opportunities for students, staff and researchers with our strategic partners.
Every year NDUC welcomes international cadets and staff to our academies around Norway.
As part of several international networks with both civilian and military universities we offer cooperation and exchange opportunities for both students and administrative and academic staff.
The Erasmus+ programme offers opportunities for staff mobility. Academic and administrative staff at higher education institutions can teach at a partner higher education institution in Europe. They can take part in training abroad at a partner higher education, enterprise, company, or any other relevant workplace.
Mobility has to be related to the staff’s professional development and work. To be eligible, staff must be employed at a higher education institution from a Programme country that holds Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. In addition, the sending institution needs to have an inter-institutional agreement signed (or multiple) with a partner institution abroad.
Special needs
NDUC is committed to facilitating that all who are eligible can conduct a student or staff exchange at NDUC.If you have special needs that require adaptation and facilitation, please contact NDUC INTERNATIONAL and we may assist you in this matter.
NDUC INTERNATIONALPlease do not hestitate to contact us by email. -
A bachelor level course for our international students of military studies
Cadet from NDUC/Royal Norwegian Air Force Academy on exchange in New York and the UN. Students from NDUC on exchange to Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, Germany. The international ceremony at Ecoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan in the spring of 2021 where students from 30 nations participated, including cadets from NDUC. Cadet from NDUC/Norwegian Military Academy on exchange in North Macedonia.
If you are interested in taking part in any of the study programmes under the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) umbrella, please contact your national NORDEFCO representative.
Work requirements and exams can be delivered in Danish, Swedish, English or Norwegian. The teaching takes place mainly in Norwegian.
Read more about NORDEFCO
Norwegian institutions of higher education have access to participation in the Erasmus+ cooperation through the EEA agreement. Erasmus+ finances student exchange between programme countries (the EU’s 27 member states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Norway) and between programme countries and partner countries.
In addition to student and teacher mobility, the Erasmus+ programme can help support development projects and collaborative projects in education. In collaborative projects, the EU requires 3 or more programme countries to join forces in one project.
EMILYO is the European Initiative for the exchange of young officers inspired by Erasmus.
The number of European crisis management operations in the framework of the Common Security and Defence Policy and multinational military operations launched by European Union and EEA Member States have increased. It demonstrates a fast-growing need for a stronger interoperability of military forces, not only regarding the pure technical and procedural aspects but also to the ability for the European military officers to work closely and effectively together. One way to foster this ability is to integrate the education and training of the servicemen and their officers. The European military officers’ educational institutes, and the Member States at a more diplomatic level, have had a long experience and tradition of exchanges, to this end.
The background story of EMILYO
The experience of mobility they acquired nevertheless revealed that, due to the particular nature of the education and training they provide, the military institutes could not make full use of all the possibilities offered by the mobility instruments available which were primarily designed for civilian higher education, such as the Erasmus programme. A need was identified, therefore, for addressing together these structural obstacles at the European level.
In the second half of 2008, the French EU Presidency then in office launched a programme of reflection on ways to allow greater integration of the initial academic and professional training of young European officers through mobility. The initiative for the exchange of young officers, inspired by Erasmus, was launched in November 2008 with the declaration by the European Ministers of Defence, meeting within the Council of the European Union, on the European Security and Defence Policy.The European initiative for the exchange of young officers, inspired by Erasmus, is meant to lift the barriers which may oppose to free mobility of knowledge, skills and competences of future military officers, their teachers and instructors between the European academies, schools, colleges, universities, and training centres.
The Conclusions of the Council of the European Union, which founded the European initiative for the exchange of young officers, inspired by Erasmus, have translated these objectives into concrete measures, such as:
- Measures aimed at increasing the number of exchanges, such as the generalisation of the Bologna process, mutual recognition of the outcomes of exchanges in professional training, greater use of Erasmus mobility for students and personnel, opening of national educational opportunities to young European officers.
Measures aimed at teaching/learning about Europe and its defence, such as the creation of a common module on the Common Security and Defence Policy, promotion of the learning of several foreign languages.
Read more about EMILYO
- Measures aimed at increasing the number of exchanges, such as the generalisation of the Bologna process, mutual recognition of the outcomes of exchanges in professional training, greater use of Erasmus mobility for students and personnel, opening of national educational opportunities to young European officers.
Nordplus is administered by the Nordic Council and is a program that supports initiatives in education, sports, culture, language networks and educational cooperation between the Nordic countries in addition to the Baltic countries. The program for higher education will finance educational projects across national borders that support Nordic cooperation. Nordplus requires 3 or more program countries to join together on the application.
The application can include both mobility for undergraduate students, master students and academic staff. Nordplus does not support research projects.
Read more about Nordplus -
NDUC has a number of agreements for academic cooperation worldwide. Both for education and research purposes.
Institutions with an MoU or cooperation agreement with NDUC:
- Forsvarsakademiet - Royal Danish Defence College
- Forsvarshögskolan - Swedish Defence University
- King's College - United Kingdom
- University of Glasgow - United Kingdom
- Académie militaire de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan - France
- Italian Naval Academy
- Military Academia - Portugal
- The National Defence Academy of Latvia
- Military academy - North Macedonia
- Military Academy Belgrade - Serbia
- Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces - Germany
- Royal Military Academy - Belgium
- National Defence University - USA
- Center for Strategic and International Studies - USA
- United States Military Academy West Point
International networks:
- Erasmus+
- EUAFA - European Air Force Academies
- EMILYO - European Initiative for the Exchange of Military Young Officers
- NORDEFCO - Nordic Defence Cooperation
- IAMA - International Association of Military Academies
- ISMS - International Society of Military Sciences
- PfP - Partnership for Peace
NDUC is looking for more opportunities to cooperate within the framework of student exchange and research collaboration. Please contact FHS INTERNATIONAL for more information.
Student exchange
Our organisation
NDUC is academically independent and provides education at bachelor and master levels to military professionals from all branches of the Norwegian Armed Forces, partners and civilians.
The Norwegian Defence University College is located in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Lillehammer and Ullensaker:
- The Norwegian Defence NCO School (Sessvollmoen, Ullensaker)
- The Royal Norwegian Air Force Academy (RNoAFA) (Kuhaugen, Trondheim)
- The Royal Norwegian Naval Academy (RNoNA) (Laksevåg, Bergen)
- The Norwegian Military Academy (Linderud, Oslo)
- The Norwegian Defence Cyber Academy (Jørstadmoen, Lillehammer)
- The Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (Akershus Fortress, Oslo)
- The Norwegian Defence Command and Staff College (Akershus Fortress, Oslo)
- The Norwegian Defence Intelligence School (Trosterud, Oslo)
- The Norwegian Defence NCO School (Sessvollmoen, Ullensaker)
If you are looking for an opportunity to come to NDUC as an exchange student, please check with your home institution if we have a signed exchange agreement. All exchange students must apply through their home university. Your home institution international coordinator will nominate the candidates. After your nomination, you will receive more detailed application procedures from NDUC admission team.
NDUC will announce available seats for our master programme through our regular point of contacts and partner institutions. Prospective students may then apply by using our electronic application portal.
Please contact your home institution for further information.
Application deadlines to attend master:
- Military personnel (Norwegian citizens) - end of June for start-up in August
- Civilians (Norwegian citizens) - mid-October for start-up in August
- Foreign students - 31 December for start-up in August
Application deadlines other studies:
- May 15 for start-up in August
- October 15 for start-up in January
Please go to to register your application.
Together with your application, you need to upload a copy of your passport, an academic transcript of records in English or Scandinavian language, a letter of personal motivation and a letter of recommendation from your superior.
Please note that NDUC does not accept free movers. (Exchange students from a university without an institutional agreement with NDUC).
International exchange students are offered housing and meal plans on campus together with the domestic student community.
NDUC housing may vary between the different campuses; some have single rooms, some double rooms. Please contact your adviser for detailed information.
NDUC seeks to integrate the international students with offering housing and meal plans together with the domestic student community.
NDUC provides a variety of student clubs, work out facilities and social arrangements throughout the year. All of the courses offered in English are part of our regular study programmes.
All Norwegian higher education institutions use a system of credits (studiepoeng) for measuring study activities considered equivalent to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
- 60 ECTS credits are allocated to the workload of a full year of academic study.
- 30 ECTS credits are normally allocated to one semester’s full-time study.
- Courses are normally 5-15 ECTS credits per course.
Please look at the course catalogue for more detailed information about the courses offered at NDUC.
• Autumn semester: runs from early August to the end of December
• Spring semester: runs from beginning of January to mid-June
There are several national holidays in Norway on which the universities are closed. -
The form and period of the examination may vary between study programmes and courses offered due to the course structure.
Please read the course catalogue for detailed information on each course description.
Visa regulations
If you come from one of the Nordic countries you will not have to apply for a residence permit, but you should report your move to the National Population Register.
If you come from an EU / EEA / EFTA area you have to register with the local police within three months.
Please bring these documents:• a valid national identity card or passport.
• confirmation of admission to an approved educational institution or an upper secondary school.
• private health insurance or European health insurance card.
• a personal declaration stating that you have enough money to support yourself. -
If you come from outside the EU/EEA/EFTA-area you have to apply for a student residence permit.
There is a processing fee for each application, and the prize may vary depending on where you hand in your application.
Please have a look at the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration for updated information regarding your country of residence.
Your international coordinator at your home institution will be able to advise you in this matter.