Katrine Antonsen
Antonsen has a PhD in English literature from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Spring 2018. The doctoral thesis Probing Privacy in Political Contexts: Secrecy, Identity, and Integrity in the Work of Michael Frayn examines the ways in which selected novels and plays by the British author Michael Frayn (1933 –) depict privacy and 'the private'. It further discusses how these works explore and respond to a range of ethical questions in different historical and political contexts, and considers the paradoxes involved in the human desire for both openness and privacy, and communication and secrecy, which these works illuminate. Antonsen has one-year practical-pedagogical education (Spring 2009) and a Master's Degree in English literature from NTNU. She has worked at the Department of Language and Literature, NTNU (2011-2016), as a lecturer and group teacher in English at bachelor level (literature, language, and cultural studies). Antonsen currently teaches English at the Royal Norwegian Air Force Academy.
- Contemporary English fiction (novels and drama in particular)
- Michael Frayn's (1933-) oeuvre
- Ethics in literature and in literary criticism
- Fictional representations, and discussions, of espionage, surveillance, and the right to privacy in different historical and political contexts.
- Fictional representations, and discussions, of war and warfare from different perspectives.