Carsten F. Rønnfeldt

Norwegian Military Academy

Carsten Rønnfeldt is professor at the Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC)/Norwegian Military Academy (NMA) where he teaches International Relations and military power, Norwegian security policy, strategic communication and the War-and-society tradition. His main research interests are armed conflicts from the perspective of international affairs, the interface between politics and military power, and professional military education.

He holds a PhD in International Relations from London School of Economics. He was a researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) before he was employed at the NMA in 1999. Previously, he worked for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Handicap Internationale, Catholic Relief Services and the Danish Refugee Council.

Rønnfeldt is in charge of establishing NDUC’s Professional Military Education Research Center. He represents NDUC in a Norwegian consortium exploring the use of simulations in professional educations and participates in the NATO Science and Technology Organization’s Professional Certification Task Force which seeks to enhance NATO’s expertise in the field of modelling, simulations, and war games.

He has been Head of Research and member of the command group at the NMA where he played a key role during three educational reforms in 2005, 2012 and 2018.

    • International Relations
    • Professional military education
    • Educational wargames
    • Military power and force
    • Strategic communication
    • Norwegian defence and security policy