
International order and strategy in a new geopolitical era

In an era of intensifying geopolitical competition, international order is shifting and being contested in new ways.

Dato Tid Sted Billetter
4. juni 2024
08:30  - 12:00

How will China’s infrastructure building through the Belt and Road Initiative affect international order, and how are actors such as the European Union responding?
How is great power competition impacting international order at sea, including in East Asia and in the Arctic region?
How is the strategic partnership between China and Russia evolving, and how has the war in Ukraine affected the strategic triangle between China, the United States, and Russia? 

The Norwegian Centre for Geopolitics welcomes you to a seminar where renowned experts on strategy and international relations will share their take on these questions. 

The centre is a partnership between The Norwegian Institute for International Affairs (NUPI), the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies – IFS (Norwegian Defence University College), Fridtjof Nansen’s Institute (FNI), UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, and the University of Oslo.


8.30–9.00   Doors open. Refreshments and coffee/tea. 

9.00–9.10   Welcome by Henrik Hiim (IFS) 

9.10–10.00   Panel I: Geopolitics, BRI and infrastructure competition 
Taylor Fravel (MIT) and Pernille Rieker (NUPI) 
Chair: Øystein Tunsjø (IFS) 

10.10–11.00   Panel II: International order at Sea in East Asia and the Arctic 
Peter Dutton (US Naval War College) and Andreas Østhagen (FNI) 
Chair: Elana Wilson Rowe (NUPI)

11.10–12.00   Panel III: The Russia-China-US triangle 
Robert Ross (Boston College) and Kristin Ven Bruusgaard (The Norwegian Intelligence School) 
Chair: Jo Inge Bekkevold (IFS) 

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