Stridslogg fra angrepet på Banken
Stridsloggen er skrevet på engelsk. Det er arbeidsspråket i internasjonale operasjoner, ved kommunikasjon med allierte soldater. Dette er direkte avskrift av stridsloggen, men vi har rettet opp noen av skrivefeilene i teksten.
10:40: Fire front gate is burning out
10:40: Crowd moving west from main gate
10:42: Situation rear gate calm
10:44: Care fire front gate (our own) grenades in the car
10:45: No rubber unless people are trying to climb the wall
10:47: Warning shoots granted if people are trying to climb the wall
10:49: GOV informed and asked to take action

10:52: QRF scrambled will arrive ASAP
They are informed that we cant meet at Apon
10:53: Warning shots fired
10:53: MOT (L) informed - coming back and waiting 3KM from PRT
10:55: Crowd is more aggressive
10:56: Trying to climb the wall
10:57: Informing higher echelon that we have problems manning position
10:59: Air inbound in 15-20 min
10:30: FINPOS informed
11:01: Air is approved by RACN Chief of staff

11:02: QRF has no transport
11.02: Main gate has been breached
11:03: People gathering on both sides of rear gate
11:04: Burning clothing thrown over the wall
11:05: The police is going down from the next building
11:07: Guard house in the rear on fire
11:09: Pax trying to enter will be fired upon by ISAF
11:12: Own forces firing rubber bullets through main gate
11:12: Crowd throwing molotov cocktails at burning car
11:14: A lot of rocks thrown at the outer(?) pos.
11:16: Crowd are carrying knives

11:17: Ammo in burning car is exploding
11:21: We are out of coms to higher Echelon
11:22: QRF is on the way
11:25: MOT K is to wait 2 km from PRT. Are to prepare to secure airport
11:26: 1 ISAF caught on fire
Medic not needed
11:27: Crowd are firering at the front gate and doorway
11:29: Chief of police has ordered QRF to act
11:31: Realise of crypt destruction and is carried out
11:33: MOT L will decide where to wait

11:33: Air has arrived
11:34: Crowd 2m from front gate not trying to enter
11:35: Crowd gathering rear gate.
11:35: Aircraft has effect and people are running to park
11:36: F16 deploying smoke grenades
11:38: QRF are not on the way
11:39: Hand grenade thrown at ISAF
11:40: NCC will support any PRT decicion

11:46: Aprox 1000 people in the area
11:46: Police in the street
11:48: Is running towards west
11:49: Crowd is going towards 200 div compound
11:50: Still crowd in the rear 20-25 PAX. Warning shots has been fired

11:51: Crowd is trying to breach front door and have fired on the door
11:51: Crowd has breached the door
11:53: Crowd in the rear are going to the left.
11:55: Air reports no more crowd gathering
11:56: I stantoo POS 3A is burning
11:58: Warning shots fired in the wall, a person try throw an uio front gate
11:59: Crowd decreasing in the rear - still stones throwing
12:00: 2 shock grenades deployed in the rear are keeping crowd away
12:00: Crowd is calmer and have moved back to the park
12:01: Hostiles are in the 200 DIV building. The building has cont. fire.
12:04: No visible weapons but shots can be heard from 200 DIV
12:05: 2 burst of hostile fire observed
12:05: Molotov throw in the rear
12:05: 1 ISAF hit to the Forehead and one wounded (enemy granad)
12:06: Crowd is increasing
12:09: Air will be released by new PAR

12:11: Loudspeaker message from crowd
“Americans leave now to the airport and we will leave you alone”
12:12: Crowd from NE is moving the street south of compound
12:14: Crowd is gathering in the southeast side of compound
12:15: More rocks thrown at the back gate
12:17: Crowd in the south are going over the wall/they are in the building but not going over

12:21: People throwing water to stop the car fire from the 200 DIV building
12:26: HNHCR called and its quiet at their pos.
12:26: Own forces fired warnings shots front gate
12:26: Man down
12:29: Fragment grenade front gate
12:30: 1 man light wounded
12:32: Molotovs thrown at main building
12:32: Sitrep sent to HQ
12:35: Many molotovs being thrown ower front gate
12:35: 3 hand grenades thrown over wall
12:37: Shredding will begin in 5 min
12:43: RAC -> N airfield to be secure in 30min Package arriving
12:43: Eny shots fired through front gate
12:44: M19 is prepared

12:45: Grenade no casual
12:48: MOT L informed to secure airfield
12:48: Granade eny
12:50: MOT G has prepared claymore
12:52: Air is not to release weapons
12:54: ENY firing on the front gate from the park
12:54: Air is allowed to fire warning outside the city
12:55: Backpack throw over the rear wall

13:01: Warning shots do not seem to have effect
13:03: LIMA is at the airport
13:04: Granade eny
13:06: Request for weapons free sendt
13:07: Stone thrower front gate from 10 years old and up
13:09: MOT K is entering airfield
13:10: Attention of the crowd is towards the building on the right
13:12: ISAF sniper deployed to row

13:12: Grenade and fire towards PRT building
13:16: Small arms fire from building to the right
13:17: Grenade
13:19: Ingen egne foran PRT
13:19: Weapons turned to the right side of the front
13:22: MOT K/L is to give cars to QRF
13:24: Airport secured
13:25: We have control of front gate and right compound
13:26: Water pump on fire
13:27: 2 A10 Deploy from Bagram z0925 Will arrive in 45 min
13:30: Police is taking action against the people with guns but the number is NOT ENOUGH
13:31: QRF 2 cars 20 men will be here in 20 min. 1-2 planes are departed with more QRF
13:31: 5 police outside, 1 officer fired into crowd
13:34: the police are firing into the ground
Several 100 shots
13:36: DEP cop observed outside the gate
More police fire
13:39: Fire behind medical container is growing
13:41: Grenade 3x
No injury
13:41: New crowd gathering in front
13:44: No visible police off.

13:45: Crowd is moving, assessment is that they are going towards police
13:46: Airplanes need the confirmation from ward to show force by firing a burst towards people
13:48: OP: No aggressive people in the street. there is only some stone throwing.
13:49: Grenade thrown at front gate
13:51: Main efforts are concentrated at the main gate
13:52: No one at the backside
13:53: 3x barrels of gasoline coming towards the camp. Intend to spray PRT with gasoline. direction unknown.
13:59: Warning shot fired by sniper - No damage

14:01: People is still trying to enter the MG
14:01: Sniper has a little injury from rock
14:03: Sniper is getting in pos. to have visual on the men with gas barrels.
14:04: Shot towards the man carrying weapon.
14:05: Sniper shot at the man with weapon.
14:06: OP shot at the man who continued to the right
14:07: Man down in OP. Wounded with headshot
13:50: 1x C-130 is being scrambled with QRF for reinforcements
medieval (?) C-160 is returning
14:10: TAC tasked that the airfield has to be secured until sunset
14:12: Tomas is coming down himself. He has taken a shot to his head.
14:14: Police is showing signs that they want to discuss with someone
14:15: COP is entering the camp.
14:17: MOT K informed: If the people come to the airfield they can not secure the airfield.
14:20: Situation going back to normal. There is no one on the streets.
Police are blocking the street
People said the they will stop the hostility if the PRT takes the injured to PRT´s hospital and take care of them
14:30: ETA for plane is 15min
14:30: 200-300 PAX left on the street. No indication of aggressive activity 5-6 policemen holding them.
14:33: People are leaving the park
50-100 PAX are still gathered
14:40: We have a casualty collection point at the airport

14:41: C-160 landing
14:42: MOT K tasked to escort QRF
14:47: 1 PAX is filming the main gate
14:47: Crowd is approaching the gate, 60 are close to the flaming car. Mainly they are kids. They are starting to throw stones.
14:51: Situation is escalating again.
14:52: 200-300 approaching the gate. Police is trying to stop them

14:54: MOT K and QRF are coming to base. MOT L and QRF staying at airfield.
14:56: OP: people are throwing stone at the main gate
14:57: Warning shots fired again at MG
14:59: Total of QRF will be 80
15:03: Crowd is stoning the 200 DIV compound
15:05: Grenade at front yard. No casualties, thrown from main gate.
15:06: Back gate is open, QRF arriving.
15:08: People moving from airfield toward PRT base
15:09: Back gate closed
15:10: Police firing towards street, towards…
15:10: Man on motorcycle is escaping
15:12: Enemy force down, 1 man was shooting towards us. Possible hit?
15:15: No people on the street, no people in the park

15:28: MIKE 25 fighter escort for transport casualties to the airfield. Decide that there is no need for that.
15:32: 4-5 PAX behind the wall, with AK 47.
15:50: Planes left. 3 helos on ground
15:57: Crowd of people has gathered to the airfield, south side
16:14: Medical container on fire, visual on smoke
16:10: People gathering at grids 599 774
16:22: Choppers left airfield
16:29: F22E Sat phone is open(MOT L)
16:29: People are bending behind the wall, there might be a casualty
16:40: ETA for the plane is 30 min. Wounded will be taken to that plane. After this plane is coming, 2 planes fly route is Kabul → Mey → Mes → Mey → Kabul
16:42: Situation calming, 15 pax near the gate
16:55: PRT is filmed from the Azadi building
16:57: Man with camera is filmingTowards PRT base

16:59: 2 ISAF cars drove in front of the base, from right to left. Arrived through the rear gate.
17:03: Armed police is trying to make people leave
17:13: Provincial governor Latif is coming to the PRT base
17:20: PRT informed RAC North that there is no need for immediate supply of food, water or medicine
17:26: S 1 / 4 and PSyops are leaving for the airport with wounded, escorted by brit QRF
17:29: Provincial governor arrived

17:30: M22 informed that convoy is leaving for the airport. M10 promised to forward the msg to brits
17:34: MTG room has to be secured for the MTG
17:41: Icom has been handed out to 33A( Brit maj who is responsible for security)
17:54: Visual om the plane (MOT L)
17:54: Plane landed
18:02: Its getting dark
18:04: Approx. 10 pax looking at the MG. South western corner
Stridsloggen ark 1 til 8:
Ark nr. 1. Ark nr. 2. Ark nr. 3. Ark nr. 4. Ark nr. 5. Ark nr. 6. Ark nr. 7. Ark nr. 8.
Stridsloggen ark 9 til 15
Ark nr. 9. Ark nr 10. Ark nr. 11. Ark nr. 12. Ark nr. 13. Ark nr. 14. Ark nr. 15.