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Boeing KC-135A Stratotanker takeoff under Arctic Challenge Exercise 2023.

6–11 March: KC-135 Stratotanker Media Flight

The U.S. Air Force is proud to announce the KC-135 Stratotanker media flight under Nordic Response, aimed at showcasing our presence in The High North and highlighting Nordic integration.

This event underscores the importance of aerial refueling in assuring NATO's ability to execute flying missions, sustain readiness, and support Allies and partners around the globe.

The events will take place on 6 March in Kallax, Sweden, 7 March in Rovaniemi, Finland, and 11 March in Stavanger, Norway. Timings may vary at each location due to differences in unit schedules.

Media representatives will have the unique opportunity to engage with the crew, experience a flight aboard a KC-135 tanker, and witness aerial refueling operations during NR24.

Please note that there are a limited number of spaces on each event. We reserve the right to select which media may participate.

  • Timings: Exact details will be provided after registration
  • Location: Host nations will determine the meeting location and escort media to the aircraft stationed on the flightline. U.S. Public Affairs (PAs) personnel will handle escort duties at the aircraft and hand over responsibilities to host nation PAs upon landing.
  • Media requirements: Media are required to bring their press card, passport, and snacks/drinks (water will be available).

Media registration for Sweden, Finland and Norway has passed deadline

Points of Contact (POC):

For further inquiries or assistance regarding the event, please contact the respective POCs listed above.

A Norwegian F-35 receives fuel mid-air from a U.S. Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker. Photo by the Norwegian Armed Forces